Friday, September 16, 2011

Madea's Big Happy Family Movie Review

Shirley (Loretta Devine) has been fighting cancer for about seven years, but it hasn't gotten her down. She's thanking God for the days she's had and accepting what is to come. All she wants more than anything is to sit down at a nice dinner with her adult children so they will all be together when she tells them the sad news.

Madea's Big Happy Family sends much needed messages to husbands and wives, battling siblings, bad behind children, teenage single parents... any family dealing with sensitive issues, disrespecting each other and keeping secrets. There were `zany' parts in this movie - I can deal with zany for a little bit, but it gets on my nerves after a while - but there were also quite a few touching and eye-opening moments. The first time I saw this movie was in the theater. The Opening Credits shows like an animated mini-movie, so I was entertained even before the movie began. My main thought after the movie was that families really need to stop wasting time and taking each other for granted. A sequel would be nice, because I would like to know what happens with Kimberly's (Shannon Kane) situation.

Favorite Character: Aunt Bam (Cassi Davis) - she's honest, bold and witty.
Favorite Line: You don't feel bad for me. You feel bad for somebody who don't know Jesus.
Favorite Scenes: Something's Got to Give/Look in the Mirror

I appreciate the fact that Mr. Perry brings humor into people's lives. I've always seen the ability to make others laugh as one of the most precious gifts a person could have. This world needs more happiness; I know I could use a good laugh daily. Mr. Perry has created a character or two who can be a little over the top - zany - but as a whole I enjoy his work. Laughter is only one thing his films bring to my life. What I like most is the lessons he teaches with his movies. When she's not acting crazy and going off on people, Madea shares words of wisdom that can reach my heart like a good Bible teaching. (Don't ask her about The Bible, though, because she is not very good at interpreting Scripture). And even when Madea doesn't play a part in a movie, somebody is going to say something thought-provoking. I don't have many of Mr. Perry's plays on DVD, but I do own every movie. I will continue to support his work.

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